Every poker player is familiar with the moment when, at the end of the game, the winnings are divided in half with the opponent. This situation occurs when players collect the same combinations, and it is called a split; the pot in this game is called a split pot.
As stated earlier, a split occurs when two players have the same combination. The most typical situations are considered when in the layout of five cards four of the same suit fell out. In this case, there is a chance that two players will have a flush. A similar situation can happen with the combinations of full house and straight.
However, it does not always happen that the player gets two cards necessary for a combination, often he uses one of his cards, and takes the rest from the board.
Consider an example
The first player has Q a tambourine and J crosses, on the board there are cards 9 spades 10 diamonds 8 hearts A hearts. Having a straight combination, the first player raises the bet. The second player, having J and 2 diamonds, calls the bet. After that, the last card - Q - arrives on the board. As a result, it turns out that two players have the same combinations and the bank is divided in half.
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In this situation, the winnings are divided only between the players with equal combinations, the rest of the players do not receive the winnings. But some players can get a plus from the split, first of all, it is necessary that all players invest before the end of the auction. This option is beneficial to those who have any combination lower than the two players sharing the pot.
There are many types of poker, and in some of them the situation when the pot is split in half between two players is a feature of the game. All high / low games fall into this category. These games are characterized by the presence of additional ones along with the main bank. Professional and successful players have several strategies to get the full amount. Sometimes they use this move - to fold an unfavorable combination. This maneuver can protect you from losing money if you split or lose.
Let's give an example
Game variation: Omaha Hi / Lo. The tournament is already at its final stage. The first player has card A spades 2 hearts 5 crosses K spades. Two players play by simply equalizing the previous players' bets. It would be more expedient for the first player to call the bet, now let's pay attention to the flop: 4 spades 6 crosses 7 spades. Having analyzed the cards, the stakes should be raised.
The first player has a low combination and his goal is to get the full amount of the pot. To do this, you need to get rid of rivals. There are two ways to do this. The first is to constantly raise rates in the hope that your opponent will fold. The second is to go for broke. Using any of these methods, we achieve the moment when other players fold their cards, as a result of which all the winnings go to the first player.
As a conclusion, we can say that often even a minimal combination can lead to a win, so you should not fold it right away, and perhaps even an active game will give a good result. Having a small combination, you can take risks and make high bets, as a result, opponents will fold and you can get a win without showing your cards.